Yesterday morning, I had my first ever midterm test for university. Before the test, I went over all the concepts we've learned up to Week 4. I made study notes, redid my quizzes, and revisited the assignment sample solutions. I looked at a past test from 2013, which seemed to help a bit. I also went to the Computer Science Help Centre at the Bahen Centre to study with friends and ask a TA questions. I should go there for help as well, seeing that it's an excellent and free resource. However, I'm not gonna lie when I say that I did feel very nervous. I hope that my preparation was sufficient in order to do well on this test. My class was even allowed to bring a study sheet.
As I saw the test, I read over it. Some questions were obvious to me; some, well, not so much. Things like negation, true/false, and sets were involved. It wasn't an easy test. The good part is that I was able to finish the test within the fifty minute time frame without leaving any blanks. The not-so-good part is that I don't know how I feel I did on the test. I don't know if I did well or failed it. I'm a bit worried, but I shouldn't be too, too worried because there's another midterm next month followed by the final exam in December. Professor Heap will weigh the two accordingly; the better of the two will be worth 10% while the other is worth 6%. That's not bad.
On a positive note, I'm glad I got the midterm over with.
Aside from the midterm, I had my weekly Tuesday morning tutorial. We went over proof structures, for which we would be quizzed on at the end of the period. It went well aside from the fact that it started to rain when I got out of the subway.
I seem to have a better understanding of proofs now that we went over them in tutorial and in lecture, where we used the examples on the slides. I will use what I've learned in CSC165 to help me write proofs for my upcoming MAT137 midterm. Those two courses make an excellent combo.
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